There is not enough information on this website to write a blog post. Use the "Contact Us" form below for more information. Contact Us > Need A Writer? We Can Help! > If you are interested in having someone write content for your website, please contact us using the contact form or email us at Articles typically range from 500 to 2000 words per post and are usually priced at $10-$30 USD depending on complexity and urgency of project. We can also assist you with editing, graphics design (icons, banners, headers), social media management (Facebook Page/group setup/management) and internet marketing (SEO). Professional Website Design & Development > Web design and development services from ZZDesignz cost between $300-$800 USD per website depending on a variety of factors including type, complexity and design elements. We mainly use WordPress as a content management system but also do custom built websites. Prices also depend if you have a domain name or not since this is usually an additional $20-$30 USD. We don't charge for the shopping cart feature but may charge for other extra features such as online chat or 3rd party software integration. Remote work is available on request, though this will likely require a larger budget. Please contact us if you have any questions about our website design & development services. Frequently Asked Questions > What is a good domain name for a website? A name that spells what you do, is original and easy to remember. Try a few keywords + a descriptive phrase e.g. or or What’s the best way to direct traffic to your website? Using paid advertising such as Google Adwords, Facebook Ads or other media. What is a page rank? A formula based on a website’s number of indexed pages, the authoritativeness of those pages and their unique positioning within a search engine. What’s a robots.txt file? It's a text file that tells the web crawler not to index or crawl certain pages on your website. You can have as many robots.txt files as you want on your site, but only one of them is going to be picked up by the web crawler which makes it important to choose wisely for your site's specific needs. What’s a 301 redirect? A redirect is when you are telling search engines to automatically take your old URL and redirect the user to the new one you specified. You can rewrite all of your URLs, or let Google do it for you. My URL is changing again, what should I do? If you are currently using another URL for this website, make sure to update all links that point to that other URL so that they show up on search engine results. How long does SEO take? Most SEO projects are completed within 3-4 weeks. If you need more time, please contact us for an estimated delivery date. 8eeb4e9f32 45
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